go 碁(在日本專指圍棋),圍棋
igo 圍棋(正式的名稱,與上面的“碁”相對照)
Paduk (韓語)圍棋
Ranka 爛柯(圍棋的別名)
shudan 手談(圍棋的別名)
goban 圍棋盤
ki 棋
byo-yomi 讀秒
joban (opening game) 序盤
fuseki 佈局 (*)
chuban (middle game) 中盤
shuban (the closing stages of the game) 終盤(收官階段),一般用“end game”
yose (the endgame) 收官
yomi (reading, analyzing a position) 讀棋(指計算往後的行法)
kifu 棋譜 (*)
haya-go 快棋 (*)
han-moku (half a point) 半目
jigo (a drawn game) 和棋,持棋
uchikake (adjourning a game) 打掛
nigiri 猜先(動作)
kiai 氣合(失去平常心)
mane-go (mimic go) 模仿棋(又叫東波棋)
dan 段
shodan (1-dan) 初段
kyu 級
kishi 棋士
menjo 免狀,棋力證書
shimbun go (Newspaper go) 新聞棋戰
Kisei 棋聖
Meijin 名人
Honinbo 本因坊
Gosei 碁聖(小棋聖)
Judan Sen 十段戰
tengen 天元
o-shiro go (castle game) 禦城棋
godokoro 碁所(棋所)
jun-Meijin 准名人江戶時期的八段
jozu 上手,又常指江戶時期的七段 (*)
Shusaku-ryu (the Shusaku opening) 秀策流
uchikomi (an invasion) 打入(*),另一意思是把對手降級(江戶時期)。
Nihon Ki-in日本棋院
ki-in 棋院 (*)
insei 院生 (*)
kido 棋道 (*)
tagai-sen 互先
komi 貼目 (*)
sen-ai-sen 先相先,有時簡寫為B-W-B或B-B-W(江戶時期的規則)
josen 定先
oki-go (Handicap Go) 讓子棋(*)
shido-go (a teaching game) 指導棋 (*)
shitate (the weaker or lower-ranked player) 下手
honte 本手(正確的行法)
aji 味,餘味(將來的手段)
aji-keshi 解消餘味
amashi (*)這詞常用,但中文圍棋術語中沒有正式的翻譯。原來專指江戶
furikawari (exchange, trade, swap) 轉換、交換
gukei (bad shape) 愚形(效率低的棋形)
hamete (trick move) 嵌手、套手
hangan (half an eye) 半眼(後手眼)
hon-ko (real ko) 本劫
ji (territory) 地
gaisei (outside influence) 外勢
kabe (wall) 壁
kake 飛壓
kikashi (a forcing move requring an answer) 先手利
oba (large fuseki point or extension) 大場,常用 “large point
kyusho (vital point) 急所
nurui (lukewarm, slack) 緩
mekura-go (blindfold go) 盲棋
miai 見合
myoshu (A brilliant move) 妙手
omoi (heavy) 重(負擔的意思)
poka (blunder) (*) 惡手,錯著(mistake),漏著(oversight),以上幾個詞義相近,
ponnuki 開花(指四線以上提一子的形)
sabaki (making light, flexible shape in order to save a group) 騰挪
seme (attacking) 攻擊
shinogi (saving an endangered group or stones) 治孤
sogo 爭棋
son 損(*不常用)
tejun (order of moves) 次序,手順
gote no sente 後中先
tewari 手割(形勢判斷)
uchisugi (overplay) 過分之意,中文似乎沒有對應的術語。
uki-ishi (floating stones. stones without a base) 浮棋
rengo (team go) 一塊連棋
usui (thin) 薄
usui katachi (a thin or weak shape that can easily be attacked) 薄形
zoku suji (bad style, a crude move) 俗筋
Shin Fuseki (New Fuseki) 新佈局(一般指吳清源與木穀實的新佈局)
shitatsu (life and death) 死活
eye 眼
gankei (eye shape) 眼形
ishi-no-shita 倒脫靴
kake-me (false eye) 假眼
seki 雙活
shini-ishi (dead stone) 死棋
tsume-go (a life and death problem) 詰棋,死活棋(題目)
tesuji 手筋
hana-zuke (nose attachment) 鼻頂
hane-kaeshi 反扳,連扳
nidan-bane (two-step hane) 連扳
sandan-bane (triple hane) 三連扳
geta 枷
kosumi-tsuke 尖頂
sekito shibori (the stone-tower squeeze) 大頭鬼(“石塔”)
shibori (squeeze) 滾打包收
suji 筋
sugata (shape, formation) 形
uchikaki (a throw-in move which reduces the opponent's liberties or eyes)
utte-gaeshi (a snapback) 倒撲
atari 打吃
carpenter's square 小曲尺
hane 扳
hazama tobi 象飛
hazama 穿象眼
hiraki (extension) 開拆(如拆二、拆三等等)
ikken 一間(常見的有以下四種):
ikken-basami (one-space pincer) 一間夾
ikken-biraki (one-space extension) 一間拆
ikken-jimari (one-space enclosure) 單關守角
ikken-tobi (one-space jump) 一間跳(單關跳)
niken 二間(用於下列術語)
niken-basami (two-space pincer) 二間夾
niken-biraki (two-space extension) 二間拆
niken-jimari (two-space corner enclosure) 二間守角
niken-taka-basami (high two-space pincer) 二間高夾
niken-taka-gakari (two-space high approach) 二間高掛
niken-tobi (two-space jump) 二間跳
sangen 三間(用於下列術語)
sangen-basami (two-space pincer) 三間夾
sangen-biraki (two-space extension) 三間拆
sangen-tobi (two-space jump) 三間跳
kakari (approach move) 掛角
kiri (cut) 切斷
kiri-chigai (crosscut) 扭斷
kogeima 小飛,小桂馬步(臺灣版的書常用)
ogeima (large-knight approach move) 大飛掛,大桂馬步(臺灣用法)
kosumi (diagonal move) 尖
magari (turning move) 曲
magari-tsuke 拐頭
nobi (solid extension) 長
nozoki (peep) 刺
tsuki-dashi (pushing in between two enemy stones) 沖
osae (block) 擋
oshi (pushing move) 壓
ryo-atari (double atari) 雙打
sagari (a descent) 立
shicho (ladder) 征
shicho-atari (a ladder-breaking move or a ladder-making move) 引征
yurumi shicho (a loose ladder) 寬氣征
takefu (a bamboo joint) (連接時用的)雙、雙關、竹節。
tobi (a jump, usually toward the center of the board) 跳
tsugi (a connection) 連,接,粘
tsuke (an attachment; a contact play) 靠,碰
tsume (a cheking extension) 逼
warikomi (a wedge between two stones) 挖
watari 渡
sumi (the corner) 角
hoshi (star point) 星
komoku 小目
mokuhazushi (5-3 point) 目外
takamoku (the 5-4 point) 高目
san-san (the 3-3 point) 三三
niren-sei 二連星
sanren-sei 三連星
shimari (a corner enclosure) 守角(見一間、二間守角等)
ogeima-jimari (large-knight's corner enclosure) 大飛守角
tetchu (iron pillar) 鐵柱守角
joseki 定式
nadare (avalanche joseki) 雪崩
onadare (large avalanche joseki) 大雪崩
taisha 大斜
hasami (pincer attack) 夾攻(如定式中的一間夾、二間夾等等)
hasami-kaeshi 反夾(對應於上述夾攻之反夾)
keshi 消,侵消
moyo 模樣
saru-suberi (the monkey jump) 大飛伸腿(收官)
suteru (to sacrifice, discard) 棄子(動詞)(*)
sute-ishi (sacrifice stones) 棄子
te (a move) 手
tenuki 脫先
wariuchi (an invasion, a splitting move) 割打,分投
ko 劫
han-ko 半劫
hanami-ko 看花劫(即無憂劫)
kozai (ko threat) 劫材
mannen-ko (thousand-year ko) 萬年劫
ryo-ko (double ko) 雙劫(同時打兩個劫)
san-ko (triple ko) 三劫
shi-ko (a quadrule ko) 四劫
son-ko 損劫
dame 單官,氣
empty triangle 空三角
gote 後手
gyaku sente (reverse sente) 逆先手
gyaku yose (reverse yose) 逆官子
liberty 氣
ryo-gote (double gote) 雙方後手
ryo-sente (double sente) 雙方先手
semeai (a capture race) 對殺(一般指殺氣)
senban 先番
san-ni 先二
sente 先手
soto dame (an outside liberty) 外氣